Due to COVID-19 government restrictions overnight camps have been cancelled for the 2020.

MP Camp will be reconfigured and run as a Motocross School. The motocross portion of the program will be similar to other years. Our evening programs will be suspended. 

How will camp operate?

  • Sign in for camp the Sunday before camp.
  • You will be issued a camp site or room for a family. Rooms must be reserved ahead of time.
  • We will be implementing COVID-19 social distancing rules and procedures.
  • Breakfast-8am, Lunch-12pm, Dinner-5pm. Food will be served though takeout windows at the Café.  You will take the food back to your camp site or room.
  • Riding starts at 9am each day, lessons start around 10am
  • Riding stops at 4pm.
  • Riders will remain close to their camp site or room and practice social distancing from other riders.
  • Riders under age 18 must have parent/guardian responsible for them after riding hours.

Who can attend?

Riders 18 and older who have their own accommodations, such as; tent, trailer, RV, motorhome or dropped off each day can attend camp on their own.

Riders Under 18 who are booked to stay in our overnight accommodation can attend camp if they’re camping in their own tent, trailer, RV, motorhome with their family, minimum one adult required. Rider can also be dropped off each day.

**Note: those of you who don’t have a trailer.  We have six rooms that can be assigned to families to attend camp, instead of staying in a camp site. There’s no extra cost.

Camp price update

Camp Price: is $760 + HST.  Includes Training, food, and camping. All existing invoices will be updated to match the new COVID-19 camp price. 

Camp Price without food: $671.50 + HST

Non-rider food: $25 per day or $100 for the week.

Refunds or credit

2021 Camp:  If your rider is not able to attend in 2020 we can sign them up for a 2021 camp date + 10% credit added to account.

Credit is available immediately. If you choose Motopark credit instead of a refund we will add an additional 10%. Credit can be used for food, memberships, camping and riding at Motopark.

Refunds will be available for riders who are not able to attend camp on the day you’re supposed to check-in for camp (June 28, July 5, July 12, July 19, July 26, August 2, August 16). Refunds can be e-transfered, mailed, or arranged to be picked up at the Motopark office.